Today was a great day in God's house to hear pastor Mark move through Joshua 1. In class we went over Genesis 6:1-22 and talked about 'what do we DELIGHT in'?
We can delight in
The Corruption around us - and obviously this is what made the humans on the earth produce all kinds of violence - v 11 and 12
The Commandments of God - the specifics of building the ark to what God will do for us as we walk WITH Him as Noah did
We also covered how we should be impressed with the dimensions of the ark but not just because of the size but also because ship builders used these ratios for centuries to ensure a workable boat God's provision
We Saw that a casualty of sin is the earth and the animals and plants. Other places where this is mentioned as a by product are Isa 24:4-7 and Hos 4:1-3
We spoke about the significant change that the Earth was to go through as for all practical purposes the sky fell as it was to rain for the first time and what 'liquefaction' is and how you can find some amazing resources on the internet that show what the flood did to the continents. We didn't get to cover that it would take approximately 4 times as much water as is what is on the earth today to cover the earth if it looks liked it did today rather than flat and watered from underground. The bible is true and again, if evolution and the bible went together somehow the millions of years before humans would be at this stage would mean the bible would have to be wrong in the 'flood of the earth'.
We talked briefly about there was NO need for safari's for Noah. Other places in the bible that God directed animals to people are Ex 16:!3, Numb 11:31 and 1 King 17:26
In the last verse we studied today we went over the heroes that also did what God commanded even when they didn't know the outcome and believed in God's provision and His glory not theirs:
Moses and Aaron (Ex 7:6), Aaron's sons (Lv 8:36), Joshua (Jos 11:9), Gideon (Jdg 6:27), Samuel (1Sam 16:4), David (2Sam 5:25), and Elijah (1Ki 17:5)—Noah did everything that God had commanded him.
I hope you have a great week and please read Chapter 7 for next week. Take care!