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Sunday, October 30, 2011


Next week on November 6 our class will be taking time to attend Greenwood campus and worship and fellowship there.  It looks to be great weather and great preaching!  I encourage ALL of you to attend with us next week.  Sunday School is at 9:00am and Service is at 10:15.  Please bring your families!

The classroom will have signage that we are serving at Greenwood so there will be NO class at Lenexa.

I will update any new information here and through email this week.

One last note - Remember Time Change is next weekend.  Enjoy the extra hour and see you at Greenwood!



In an effort to update the email list we are requesting that everyone either respond to the email for all or sign up on the yellow sheet in class.   If you are part of the Young Family 1 Sunday School class please make sure we get your address so we can update you on prayer requests from others in the class and upcoming events.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Updated Picnic Info for October 23

Tomorrow we will have another 'picnic after church' at the Park.  I checked again today and it looks like we need to have this at Shawnee Mission Park because Lenexa has a burn ban (including charcoal grills) in place so Sar Ko Par Park will not work.  Here are some details for you.

  • Picnic by the Softball Field (a little north of where we were last time) at "Walnut Grove" - See Map Here… .  
  • There will be hot dogs, chips, and water provided.  
  • If you want to bring anything else for yourself or for anyone else please feel free to (we are not looking to have everyone have to bring something but more for the kids to play at the park and adults play and talk as well).
  • There are picnic tables but I don't know how busy it will be tomorrow so you may want to bring some folding chairs
  • We would love to have as many as can make it attend so please let someone know if they are not on the email list!
Hope you all are having a great weekend.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 23 - Some Homework / Questions

Hello!  We have missed many due to them serving and attending a couple of the elective classes.  This week we will still miss several couples as they finish those up.  I trust God is working in all of your families and you are being sharpened in the Word.

This week we will finish the last part of Chapter 15 in Romans.  We most likely will not complete the chapter but will be close.  I expect that we will finish Romans some time right after the New Year begins.  As a heads up I plan to go right into Genesis at that time.  If you have some people that are thinking about attending church as the new year resolution hits them this may be an opportunity to start them off with an initial background on where we and our known universe began.  I will bring several items from the creation museum for our use.

Ok - so to this week -

Please read through Chapter 14 and 15.  They go together.  You will see where the heart condition is to bring us to the end of Chapter 15 and Paul's request that those in Rome would follow in the sanctification of the Gentiles as well as what they should speak of.  We will begin in verse 17 and at least make it to verse 22 so here are some questions to get you started:

Verse 17 - Why does Paul glory in Christ in his service to God?  May need to look back at the few verses before?  What stories do you have of Christ's glory day to day?  Who have you discussed and admonished in the truth to the Glory of God?  Pastor Larry used to ask me "what is the story of His glory in your life"?  What would God say are the times that you have helped in the sanctification of someone else?  Your children, your parents, your spouse, your co-workers, your church family?

Verse 18 - What is it that Paul will speak of?  In practical terms what is it then that we are to speak of?  Conversely - what are we NOT to speak of?  What is it that the Gentiles were to do and how did they see it in example?  Where are you an example?  Where are you not?

Verse 19 - Where does power come from?  Do we talk that way in all that we say and do?  When is the last time you acknowledged that to others?  Give a specific example.  Paul mentions the area that he was ministering to.  Name yours.  Where is it?  Name the specific streets, cities, places that are YOURS to minister to...

Verses 20 and 21 - What was Paul's ambition?  What is your ambition in regards to your relationship with God?  To put it another way - what has God 'laid on your heart'?  Why do you believe you are passionate about that?  Write it down here...  

What verse (see verse 21 here) comes to mind as to God's purpose in that passion?  Write it down here...

Verse 22 - Paul couldn't do everything and neither can we.  What part of your ministry have you had to wait on as you wanted to maintain quality somewhere else?  

We will be talking through and writing these down so if you have them done before class you will have more time for socializing (hint hint).

Please pray for those prayer requests - especially some of the updates that have been coming out - this week.
