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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Notes and Questions for September 18, 2011 - NEW CLASSROOM - 224!


I trust everyone is having a great week. I look forward to this weekend and our time together.  Please note the following:

1) There are plenty of spaces in ALL equipping U classes on Sunday nights.  If you haven't signed up it is not too late to join.
2) Please put November 6 on your calendar now.  It would be great if every family from the class could go with us to Greenwood to serve and fellowship at our other campus.  Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.

Ok - so coming up this weekend we will cover the last part of Romans 13.  Specifically verses 8 to the end.  Please read the entire chapter noting the first verse stemming from chapter 12 and the grafting from chapter 11.

Here are some questions for you this week prior to our study:

A - How are your debts going?  What do you owe to others?  Why do you think that verse 8 asks us to have no debts except love?  Write down what you think your life would look like if that is the only debt you had?  What would be different?

B - Why do verse 9 and 10 reach back to Leviticus?  What is Paul's reason for sharing this with the Romans?  Write down on a piece of paper any of the commandments he lists here that you have broken...  Who do you hurt when you break these?  List who you hurt.  Who do you hurt when you covet?  Really determine who is hurt here...  Who do you grieve?  What does verse 10 actually mean?

C - What is the meaning of verse 11 - in practical terms?  What is Paul saying?

D - What are the deeds of darkness?  List them out.  What is the armor of light?  Where else is it mentioned in the bible that we want to reflect the light of Christ or put on the armor?  Find the verses and read them out loud.  What is verse 11 and here verse 12 telling us?  About timing? About our action?

E - List out out each of the words in verse 13.  List the definition you have for each of the words.  Check or star each of the words you either outwardly or inwardly struggle with you do...

F - How would we possibly clothe our selves in Christ as per verse 14?  What does this actually mean?  Why does Paul talk about Thinking here rather than feeling?  What is the flesh he speaks of?

Please be ready to give an account of the Joy that is within you this week.  If you haven't seen someone in class recently please invite them back...


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Notes and Questions for Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hello Everyone!

I trust everyone had a great week working on their spiritual disciplines including prayer.  I want to thank David and Jim for filling in as we were able to take a last minute trip.  I was also able to share with family some of John 3:1-15.  It was a great opportunity.

This week will we continue in Romans 13.

Here are the questions for this week:

Verse 1 - Is there a time that you are not subject to the governing authorities?  Are you justifying a time based on something biblical or what YOU think is 'right'?

Verse 2 - How do you discern this verse in light of corrupt governments?  What judgement will be levied based on this verse?  What does your testimony look like in either rebelling or not and what do you think of this verse?

Verse 3 and 4 - How can you be free from fear?  Do you know of any examples of others in the bible that lived under tyrannical rule?  What does it mean to do what is right?  Who is doing the 'commending' when you do things 'right'?  What do these verses speak to in regards to God's authority and our need to trust?  Can we?

Verse 5 - Therefore starts the verse - therefore - what is the verse based on X therefore Y - what is the X that comes before verse 5 word Therefore - in your words?

Verse 5 - What are the necessary reasons to submit to the authorities?

Verse 6 - This is an example of specifics.  What are the responsibilities of the two parties outlined in these verses?

Verse 7 - Based on the responsibility you outlined in verse 7 for yourself - what is your responsibility in verse 7?  What are the items you can owe?  List out those that you would owe each of these things in order - Taxes, Revenue, Respect - who do you owe these things to - today??

Verse 8 - What is the transition made here and how would you relate this to verse 7?  How is the law fulfilled?  What other verses prior in Romans can you find that substantiate the claim that the law is fullfilled through 'this'?

Verse 9 - How can this be??  Explain how loving your neighbor as yourself fulfills these items.  Explain it as if you were explaining it to your children - write it down - pray over this.  Who are you not 'loving' right now?

Verse 10 - By breaking the law what does this verse say you are doing?  What purpose is the law then beside showing us our sin?  What does love do?

Read the remainder of the chapter - we will review this Sunday.  Have a great rest of the week.
