Hello Everyone! It was great to see so many of you at the Potluck on Sunday. Thanks again to Ami Swisher who put this together. We look forward to several more socials in the coming months.
Please review chapter 5 completely before diving in to chapter 6. Without a full review of the centrality of our faith and that it is a heart issue only (as we covered on the 27th) we will be absolutely without stance nor ability to move into chapter 6.
Please read Romans 6 verses 1 to 14. We will cover (most likely) only verses 1 to 9 but having the rest of these verses would be good.
Verse 1 - What is Paul talking about? What did we say is sin last week in class? What could some take this verse to mean? Have you ever known of a Christian that just shrugs their shoulder at sin and says 'thanks to God'?
Verse 2 - Paul is emphatic here. What does it mean to die to sin? What does it mean to live in something? Is Paul saying that it is all or nothing? Can you make the statement that you have died to sin? Does sin have life or do you have life? What is actually alive? Sometimes we make sin as alive and us as in it rather than we are alive and sin is around us. Is sin in you if the HOLY Spirit is in you? Can it be (remember 1 John 1:5 from last week)? Can they be together?
Verse 3 - Do you KNOW this? What does it mean to be baptized into His death? How would you explain this to your child? Write it down (you will need it for later in Romans).
Verse 4 - You show others that you have been saved by Christ through baptism much the same as Christ showed He had conquered the grave. That He had and that He was God did not NEED to be shown but was Glory to God that He showed others. We should want to show others our new life - free from sin. Do you want people to look at your life? Be truthful.
Verse 5 - Are you united with Christ? How would someone know this?
Verse 6 - Write down 3 main things that were part of your old self that are not part of you now (after being saved). Why was it easy not to be or do these things?
Verse 7 - Why would this be a hard verse? Are you set free? Before you were saved you were condemned by the law and your sin. Sin was something that you WERE. Do you clearly know that you are FREE from sin now? If sin is out and the HOLY Spirit is in we then are choosing to sin.
Verse 8 - Is this life that is discussed only life in Heaven?
Verse 9 - How do we KNOW that Christ was raised from the dead? How can you tell your children or friends that Christ really died? How do you know that He really came back to life. Step back for just a moment and think of someone you know that has recently died. What if you saw them again - what would that be like?
Verse 10 - Do you know of any other verses on complete atonement? If so, what are they? Be ready to share in class. Why was Christ's dying complete and taking away sin for all? If you were to sum up verse 9 and 10 you would have the entire salvation story for an unbeliever. Human, died, raised, for all. Why is this so difficult to tell others if we really believe it?
Verse 11 - How do you count yourself (today, as you are reading this) dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus? If you have passed away to sin and live it God what would your focus be on "that thing" you have in your brain right now?
Verse 12 - What does this mean? Who reigns? What does it mean to 'reign'?
Verse 13 - What would be parts of yourself rather than the whole? What are examples of someone that would sin in one area and now in another? Where do you sin? What does it mean to 'offer yourself'? Who is the master if you offer yourself (to either sin or God)? In either case note that you are NOT the master. If you offer yourself to God you MUST TRUST HIM. Do we trust that sin will get us where we want to go and what we need? Answer this honestly. How would you explain this to your kids or friends?
Verse 14 - Are YOU saved? Do you know that you know that you know???? For real? If not and you want to accept His gift please please please pray to accept Christ RIGHT NOW. What is stopping you? If you have told everyone you were saved but don't know you are what possibly would be bad by stopping now, finding a place, and asking Christ into your heart. Knowing you are a sinner, you cannot come to Him under your power, that you need Him, and that you want Him not just as Savior but as Lord of you life, that you want to turn from sin and follow Him. You are on your way to heaven! Please let us know if the angels are singing for the fact of God saving YOU.
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Sunday, February 27, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Notes for February 27, 2011
Please read all of Romans 5
If you remember last week on the power and portion of Christ and how this differed with our human understanding and clear need for running to His love rather than focusing on abating God's wrath you will be ready for this week in the remaining portions of this chapter.
Please read verses 12 to 21 and answer the following questions:
Verse 12 - How did Sin enter the world? what was the sin? what is the consequence of sin? How does this verse tie to Romans 3:23? How would you explain this to those that are not saved? What does the therefore refer to in verse 11?
Verse 13 - Why is 'to be sure' added (NIV) at the beginning here? In the KJV it does not state this and in the Holman it says 'In fact'. What is Paul saying by this? Remember that Paul is speaking to the Jews in Rome (and gentiles but for now focus on what a Jew might be thinking here) - there was sin before the law? The Law pointed out sin and Jews were focused only on the Law - just as Christ had a 'new' command and there is a 'new' testament Paul is expanding the WHOLE or 'new' definition of sin. So before the law what what happened to sin? Paul is also speaking to sin once you are free from the law - once you are saved.
Verse 14 - So what happened to people from Adam to Moses? They died because there WAS sin - even when they didn't break a specific command - Sin is in our hearts and part of us. What does he mean when Paul says "as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come?" Or the prototype?
Verse 15 - Now we can bridge the curious statement at the end of 14. What does the beginning of 15 mean when it says that the 'gift is not like the trespass'? What is the overflow of Christ?
Verse 16 - what is being compared and/or separated in this verse? Should we compare the two as he did in 15 or should we not? What is Paul explaining - in simple terms - here? What is the difference between condemnation and justification?
Verse 17 - Now he explains much - read this verse thoroughly - can you receive sin by asking for it or doing it or do you just have it? Do you just have the gift of righteousness or do you have to receive it? Who does the giving of each?
Verse 18 - Who is the justification for? Why would this be big or not for Jews? For Gentiles? What about for those of us that are saved? Who should not be justified? Hitler? Others? Where is your heart on this?
Verse 19 - So what is the need for man when it comes to God? Can we do it?
Verse 20 - What then was the purpose of the law? What does it do in showing us what Jesus did? Does it bring Glory to God? How?
Verse 21 - What reigns? Can both reign? This is a very important question when we move into Chapter 6....
If you remember last week on the power and portion of Christ and how this differed with our human understanding and clear need for running to His love rather than focusing on abating God's wrath you will be ready for this week in the remaining portions of this chapter.
Please read verses 12 to 21 and answer the following questions:
Verse 12 - How did Sin enter the world? what was the sin? what is the consequence of sin? How does this verse tie to Romans 3:23? How would you explain this to those that are not saved? What does the therefore refer to in verse 11?
Verse 13 - Why is 'to be sure' added (NIV) at the beginning here? In the KJV it does not state this and in the Holman it says 'In fact'. What is Paul saying by this? Remember that Paul is speaking to the Jews in Rome (and gentiles but for now focus on what a Jew might be thinking here) - there was sin before the law? The Law pointed out sin and Jews were focused only on the Law - just as Christ had a 'new' command and there is a 'new' testament Paul is expanding the WHOLE or 'new' definition of sin. So before the law what what happened to sin? Paul is also speaking to sin once you are free from the law - once you are saved.
Verse 14 - So what happened to people from Adam to Moses? They died because there WAS sin - even when they didn't break a specific command - Sin is in our hearts and part of us. What does he mean when Paul says "as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come?" Or the prototype?
Verse 15 - Now we can bridge the curious statement at the end of 14. What does the beginning of 15 mean when it says that the 'gift is not like the trespass'? What is the overflow of Christ?
Verse 16 - what is being compared and/or separated in this verse? Should we compare the two as he did in 15 or should we not? What is Paul explaining - in simple terms - here? What is the difference between condemnation and justification?
Verse 17 - Now he explains much - read this verse thoroughly - can you receive sin by asking for it or doing it or do you just have it? Do you just have the gift of righteousness or do you have to receive it? Who does the giving of each?
Verse 18 - Who is the justification for? Why would this be big or not for Jews? For Gentiles? What about for those of us that are saved? Who should not be justified? Hitler? Others? Where is your heart on this?
Verse 19 - So what is the need for man when it comes to God? Can we do it?
Verse 20 - What then was the purpose of the law? What does it do in showing us what Jesus did? Does it bring Glory to God? How?
Verse 21 - What reigns? Can both reign? This is a very important question when we move into Chapter 6....
Monday, February 14, 2011
Notes for February 20, 2011
Well, I hope everyone is having a good week and Valentine's Day was a time of refreshing peace in the Lord's love (remember He IS Love).
Please remember to pray for one another this week. If you can right now, go ahead and pray.
Now here are some questions to answer/think about for this Sunday's Lesson on Romans 5:
Please read Romans 5:1-11
Review our last week's questions below regarding verses 1 to 5 and how we have to trust to get to a place to have hope and that our sufferings produce perseverance that produces character for His glory. We can glory in those sufferings as He is in control even when the situation or suffering seems to be out of His control.
Please read vs 6 - What does he mean when he says "when we were still powerless"? What power did you have when Christ came? What power did the people have that were around Jesus when he came? Were they ungodly? What does it mean to be ungodly? What does it mean to be godly? If it is the same as righteous go back to chapter 4 - was Abraham godly or ungodly? What power did Jesus have that they or we don't have? Power over what?
Verse 6 still - why did Jesus have to die? Answer as if you were asked this by an unbeliever or a child
Verse 7 - What is being discussed in this verse? Be practical - who do you know that has died for a good person or a righteous person?
Verse 8 - How does this cooincide with verse 7? What does it mean that He demostrated His OWN love for us? Why is it important that it is HIS love? What was the demonstration? Why is this different than verse 7? So are sinners good people? Are sinners righteous people? Who did Jesus die for? How does this overlay with Romans 3:23?
Verse 9 - What is this verse about? How are we justified? What did we have to do with this justification? Why did Christ have to die? Do you know any old testament scri;ptures relating to the remission of sin through blood? what does it mean "how much more shall we be saved"? When does God provide wrath? If God provides wrath not just at death but in day to day life of a sinner how would you be spared His wrath if you are saved? Do these go together? Does that mean you will not experience God's wrath if you have been provided righteousness through Christ? (remember how Noah was affected by the wrath of God even though he wasn't being punished?)
Verse 10 -Up to this verse the author is only discussing death of Christ. Now he turns to Christ's life and resurrection. Why is this verse important? Explain as if you were explaining to a child. Is this actually that you build more and more "saving"? How are you saved "more" than just being saved? How would this be evident each day? (May want to look at verses 1 to 5 on peace and glorying in suffering or proverbs 3 on peace - not more saved - but understand the Lordship and Soveriegnty changes all aspects of our life - John 10:10).
Verse 11 - So you have reconciliation with God through your complete Trust in Jesus as both Savior and fully SOVEREIGN God (all things under His feet - Ephesians)... What else would you now boast in? Your job? Your accomplishments? Your relationship with Christ? Would this not seem natural to boast in Christ and what He has done for you even though you did absolutely nothing (He died and rose before you were born) except accept the fact? Welcome to heaven! Glory to God in the highest...because He is the highest...
See you Sunday.
Please remember to pray for one another this week. If you can right now, go ahead and pray.
Now here are some questions to answer/think about for this Sunday's Lesson on Romans 5:
Please read Romans 5:1-11
Review our last week's questions below regarding verses 1 to 5 and how we have to trust to get to a place to have hope and that our sufferings produce perseverance that produces character for His glory. We can glory in those sufferings as He is in control even when the situation or suffering seems to be out of His control.
Please read vs 6 - What does he mean when he says "when we were still powerless"? What power did you have when Christ came? What power did the people have that were around Jesus when he came? Were they ungodly? What does it mean to be ungodly? What does it mean to be godly? If it is the same as righteous go back to chapter 4 - was Abraham godly or ungodly? What power did Jesus have that they or we don't have? Power over what?
Verse 6 still - why did Jesus have to die? Answer as if you were asked this by an unbeliever or a child
Verse 7 - What is being discussed in this verse? Be practical - who do you know that has died for a good person or a righteous person?
Verse 8 - How does this cooincide with verse 7? What does it mean that He demostrated His OWN love for us? Why is it important that it is HIS love? What was the demonstration? Why is this different than verse 7? So are sinners good people? Are sinners righteous people? Who did Jesus die for? How does this overlay with Romans 3:23?
Verse 9 - What is this verse about? How are we justified? What did we have to do with this justification? Why did Christ have to die? Do you know any old testament scri;ptures relating to the remission of sin through blood? what does it mean "how much more shall we be saved"? When does God provide wrath? If God provides wrath not just at death but in day to day life of a sinner how would you be spared His wrath if you are saved? Do these go together? Does that mean you will not experience God's wrath if you have been provided righteousness through Christ? (remember how Noah was affected by the wrath of God even though he wasn't being punished?)
Verse 10 -Up to this verse the author is only discussing death of Christ. Now he turns to Christ's life and resurrection. Why is this verse important? Explain as if you were explaining to a child. Is this actually that you build more and more "saving"? How are you saved "more" than just being saved? How would this be evident each day? (May want to look at verses 1 to 5 on peace and glorying in suffering or proverbs 3 on peace - not more saved - but understand the Lordship and Soveriegnty changes all aspects of our life - John 10:10).
Verse 11 - So you have reconciliation with God through your complete Trust in Jesus as both Savior and fully SOVEREIGN God (all things under His feet - Ephesians)... What else would you now boast in? Your job? Your accomplishments? Your relationship with Christ? Would this not seem natural to boast in Christ and what He has done for you even though you did absolutely nothing (He died and rose before you were born) except accept the fact? Welcome to heaven! Glory to God in the highest...because He is the highest...
See you Sunday.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Questions for February 13, 2011
Hello everyone!
I hope you are all having a great week in crediting God for what He is doing in your life and looking at your obligations and opportunities with His guidance. This week we will begin Romans 5. Here are some questions to review before we meet on Sunday...
Please read Romans 5:1-5
What are the main themes that you see from this passage?
In verse 1 - What is the therefore referring to from Chapter 4?
In summary, how do you obtain peace (verse 1)? Who does it come from, how do you obtain it?
Starting of verse 2 - Answer honestly, do you, personally, stand in this grace and peace? If not, why? If so, is there anything that is keeping you from this peace day to day? Do you need to give something up to Him and trust him (remember last week's lesson on)? If so, what?
When is the last time you 'boasted in the hope of hte glory of God' - verse 2? Be specific - to whom and what was the situation?
Verse 3 - What sufferings have you had in your life? Do you glory in these sufferings? How can someone glory in their sufferings - be realistic and tactical here - if they don't know God as a SOVEREIGN God? Is it realistic to glory in sufferings? How do you tie verse 1 and peace with these sufferings? How do you TACTICALLY have peace - through what mechanism - when you are suffering to get peace? Is it prayer, bible study, fellowship? If so, do you have a specific time and suffering to point to?
Verse 4 - Detail your definition of these words: perseverence, character, hope. Give an example of where you have had these lived out in your or someone else's life in a suffering... What does that do for the Glory of God? Is it a witness?
Verse 5 - What does it mean that the Holy Spirit has been given to us? Who gave it and what would that mean if you could 'loose' the Holy Spirit? For REAL, is the Holy Spirit poured into your heart? If not, what are you waiting on? If so, what is the difference each day about how you make decisions if He is?
See you Sunday!
I hope you are all having a great week in crediting God for what He is doing in your life and looking at your obligations and opportunities with His guidance. This week we will begin Romans 5. Here are some questions to review before we meet on Sunday...
Please read Romans 5:1-5
What are the main themes that you see from this passage?
In verse 1 - What is the therefore referring to from Chapter 4?
In summary, how do you obtain peace (verse 1)? Who does it come from, how do you obtain it?
Starting of verse 2 - Answer honestly, do you, personally, stand in this grace and peace? If not, why? If so, is there anything that is keeping you from this peace day to day? Do you need to give something up to Him and trust him (remember last week's lesson on)? If so, what?
When is the last time you 'boasted in the hope of hte glory of God' - verse 2? Be specific - to whom and what was the situation?
Verse 3 - What sufferings have you had in your life? Do you glory in these sufferings? How can someone glory in their sufferings - be realistic and tactical here - if they don't know God as a SOVEREIGN God? Is it realistic to glory in sufferings? How do you tie verse 1 and peace with these sufferings? How do you TACTICALLY have peace - through what mechanism - when you are suffering to get peace? Is it prayer, bible study, fellowship? If so, do you have a specific time and suffering to point to?
Verse 4 - Detail your definition of these words: perseverence, character, hope. Give an example of where you have had these lived out in your or someone else's life in a suffering... What does that do for the Glory of God? Is it a witness?
Verse 5 - What does it mean that the Holy Spirit has been given to us? Who gave it and what would that mean if you could 'loose' the Holy Spirit? For REAL, is the Holy Spirit poured into your heart? If not, what are you waiting on? If so, what is the difference each day about how you make decisions if He is?
See you Sunday!
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