Hello Everyone!
I trust your Sunday was a great day of Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Today we finished our first of four parts summarizing Romans. We talked about 'What is your problem?' and if it is one of three areas: People, Purpose, or THE Problem (sin). We talked about how Paul's encouragement and warning to the Jews and the Gentiles in these first 3 and 1/2 chapters. Please look over these three chapters and ask yourself this December: Why did Christ have to come? What did Christ do that is explained here? and When will we see Him as Savior AND Lord? Shouldn't now, more than ever, our Passion for His People and His Purpose be clear?
Next week we will talk about how the need for help is met with a summarization verses of 3:21-23 and move through Chapter 5. Please read from Chapter 3:21 to the end of Chapter 5 to be ready for this summary class.
Please get ready by answering the following questions:
What is your argument or ones you have heard regarding why they are special and don't need Christ?
When, be very specific, did Romans 3:19 come over you? When did your mouth shut because you fully realized you were without any excuse nor any saving on your own?
Compare and contrast these three verses regarding justification:
Romans 3:24
Romans 3:28
Romans 5:9
Review the following verses - what are their main themes?
Ephesians 2:8-10
Titus 3:8
Galatians 5:6
Phil 2:11-12
Romans 4:3 (incl Gen 15:6)
Summarize the following for yourself (what does this mean in your words and how do you live it out) and be ready to share in class:
Romans 5:1-5
Welcome to the Young Family 1 Sunday School class blog! I am happy to be back publishing. Hope you all find the site useful.
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Sunday, December 4, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Next week on November 6 our class will be taking time to attend Greenwood campus and worship and fellowship there. It looks to be great weather and great preaching! I encourage ALL of you to attend with us next week. Sunday School is at 9:00am and Service is at 10:15. Please bring your families!
The classroom will have signage that we are serving at Greenwood so there will be NO class at Lenexa.
I will update any new information here and through email this week.
One last note - Remember Time Change is next weekend. Enjoy the extra hour and see you at Greenwood!
The classroom will have signage that we are serving at Greenwood so there will be NO class at Lenexa.
I will update any new information here and through email this week.
One last note - Remember Time Change is next weekend. Enjoy the extra hour and see you at Greenwood!
In an effort to update the email list we are requesting that everyone either respond to the email for all or sign up on the yellow sheet in class. If you are part of the Young Family 1 Sunday School class please make sure we get your address so we can update you on prayer requests from others in the class and upcoming events.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Updated Picnic Info for October 23
Tomorrow we will have another 'picnic after church' at the Park. I checked again today and it looks like we need to have this at Shawnee Mission Park because Lenexa has a burn ban (including charcoal grills) in place so Sar Ko Par Park will not work. Here are some details for you.
- Picnic by the Softball Field (a little north of where we were last time) at "Walnut Grove" - See Map Here… http://jcprd.com/parks_facilities/map_shawnee_mission.cfm .
- There will be hot dogs, chips, and water provided.
- If you want to bring anything else for yourself or for anyone else please feel free to (we are not looking to have everyone have to bring something but more for the kids to play at the park and adults play and talk as well).
- There are picnic tables but I don't know how busy it will be tomorrow so you may want to bring some folding chairs
- We would love to have as many as can make it attend so please let someone know if they are not on the email list!
Hope you all are having a great weekend.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
October 23 - Some Homework / Questions
Hello! We have missed many due to them serving and attending a couple of the elective classes. This week we will still miss several couples as they finish those up. I trust God is working in all of your families and you are being sharpened in the Word.
This week we will finish the last part of Chapter 15 in Romans. We most likely will not complete the chapter but will be close. I expect that we will finish Romans some time right after the New Year begins. As a heads up I plan to go right into Genesis at that time. If you have some people that are thinking about attending church as the new year resolution hits them this may be an opportunity to start them off with an initial background on where we and our known universe began. I will bring several items from the creation museum for our use.
Ok - so to this week -
Please read through Chapter 14 and 15. They go together. You will see where the heart condition is to bring us to the end of Chapter 15 and Paul's request that those in Rome would follow in the sanctification of the Gentiles as well as what they should speak of. We will begin in verse 17 and at least make it to verse 22 so here are some questions to get you started:
Verse 17 - Why does Paul glory in Christ in his service to God? May need to look back at the few verses before? What stories do you have of Christ's glory day to day? Who have you discussed and admonished in the truth to the Glory of God? Pastor Larry used to ask me "what is the story of His glory in your life"? What would God say are the times that you have helped in the sanctification of someone else? Your children, your parents, your spouse, your co-workers, your church family?
Verse 18 - What is it that Paul will speak of? In practical terms what is it then that we are to speak of? Conversely - what are we NOT to speak of? What is it that the Gentiles were to do and how did they see it in example? Where are you an example? Where are you not?
Verse 19 - Where does power come from? Do we talk that way in all that we say and do? When is the last time you acknowledged that to others? Give a specific example. Paul mentions the area that he was ministering to. Name yours. Where is it? Name the specific streets, cities, places that are YOURS to minister to...
Verses 20 and 21 - What was Paul's ambition? What is your ambition in regards to your relationship with God? To put it another way - what has God 'laid on your heart'? Why do you believe you are passionate about that? Write it down here...
What verse (see verse 21 here) comes to mind as to God's purpose in that passion? Write it down here...
Verse 22 - Paul couldn't do everything and neither can we. What part of your ministry have you had to wait on as you wanted to maintain quality somewhere else?
We will be talking through and writing these down so if you have them done before class you will have more time for socializing (hint hint).
Please pray for those prayer requests - especially some of the updates that have been coming out - this week.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Notes and Questions for September 18, 2011 - NEW CLASSROOM - 224!
I trust everyone is having a great week. I look forward to this weekend and our time together. Please note the following:
1) There are plenty of spaces in ALL equipping U classes on Sunday nights. If you haven't signed up it is not too late to join.
2) Please put November 6 on your calendar now. It would be great if every family from the class could go with us to Greenwood to serve and fellowship at our other campus. Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.
Ok - so coming up this weekend we will cover the last part of Romans 13. Specifically verses 8 to the end. Please read the entire chapter noting the first verse stemming from chapter 12 and the grafting from chapter 11.
Here are some questions for you this week prior to our study:
A - How are your debts going? What do you owe to others? Why do you think that verse 8 asks us to have no debts except love? Write down what you think your life would look like if that is the only debt you had? What would be different?
B - Why do verse 9 and 10 reach back to Leviticus? What is Paul's reason for sharing this with the Romans? Write down on a piece of paper any of the commandments he lists here that you have broken... Who do you hurt when you break these? List who you hurt. Who do you hurt when you covet? Really determine who is hurt here... Who do you grieve? What does verse 10 actually mean?
C - What is the meaning of verse 11 - in practical terms? What is Paul saying?
D - What are the deeds of darkness? List them out. What is the armor of light? Where else is it mentioned in the bible that we want to reflect the light of Christ or put on the armor? Find the verses and read them out loud. What is verse 11 and here verse 12 telling us? About timing? About our action?
E - List out out each of the words in verse 13. List the definition you have for each of the words. Check or star each of the words you either outwardly or inwardly struggle with you do...
F - How would we possibly clothe our selves in Christ as per verse 14? What does this actually mean? Why does Paul talk about Thinking here rather than feeling? What is the flesh he speaks of?
Please be ready to give an account of the Joy that is within you this week. If you haven't seen someone in class recently please invite them back...
I trust everyone is having a great week. I look forward to this weekend and our time together. Please note the following:
1) There are plenty of spaces in ALL equipping U classes on Sunday nights. If you haven't signed up it is not too late to join.
2) Please put November 6 on your calendar now. It would be great if every family from the class could go with us to Greenwood to serve and fellowship at our other campus. Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.
Ok - so coming up this weekend we will cover the last part of Romans 13. Specifically verses 8 to the end. Please read the entire chapter noting the first verse stemming from chapter 12 and the grafting from chapter 11.
Here are some questions for you this week prior to our study:
A - How are your debts going? What do you owe to others? Why do you think that verse 8 asks us to have no debts except love? Write down what you think your life would look like if that is the only debt you had? What would be different?
B - Why do verse 9 and 10 reach back to Leviticus? What is Paul's reason for sharing this with the Romans? Write down on a piece of paper any of the commandments he lists here that you have broken... Who do you hurt when you break these? List who you hurt. Who do you hurt when you covet? Really determine who is hurt here... Who do you grieve? What does verse 10 actually mean?
C - What is the meaning of verse 11 - in practical terms? What is Paul saying?
D - What are the deeds of darkness? List them out. What is the armor of light? Where else is it mentioned in the bible that we want to reflect the light of Christ or put on the armor? Find the verses and read them out loud. What is verse 11 and here verse 12 telling us? About timing? About our action?
E - List out out each of the words in verse 13. List the definition you have for each of the words. Check or star each of the words you either outwardly or inwardly struggle with you do...
F - How would we possibly clothe our selves in Christ as per verse 14? What does this actually mean? Why does Paul talk about Thinking here rather than feeling? What is the flesh he speaks of?
Please be ready to give an account of the Joy that is within you this week. If you haven't seen someone in class recently please invite them back...
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Notes and Questions for Sunday, September 11, 2011
Hello Everyone!
I trust everyone had a great week working on their spiritual disciplines including prayer. I want to thank David and Jim for filling in as we were able to take a last minute trip. I was also able to share with family some of John 3:1-15. It was a great opportunity.
This week will we continue in Romans 13.
Here are the questions for this week:
Verse 1 - Is there a time that you are not subject to the governing authorities? Are you justifying a time based on something biblical or what YOU think is 'right'?
Verse 2 - How do you discern this verse in light of corrupt governments? What judgement will be levied based on this verse? What does your testimony look like in either rebelling or not and what do you think of this verse?
Verse 3 and 4 - How can you be free from fear? Do you know of any examples of others in the bible that lived under tyrannical rule? What does it mean to do what is right? Who is doing the 'commending' when you do things 'right'? What do these verses speak to in regards to God's authority and our need to trust? Can we?
Verse 5 - Therefore starts the verse - therefore - what is the verse based on X therefore Y - what is the X that comes before verse 5 word Therefore - in your words?
Verse 5 - What are the necessary reasons to submit to the authorities?
Verse 6 - This is an example of specifics. What are the responsibilities of the two parties outlined in these verses?
Verse 7 - Based on the responsibility you outlined in verse 7 for yourself - what is your responsibility in verse 7? What are the items you can owe? List out those that you would owe each of these things in order - Taxes, Revenue, Respect - who do you owe these things to - today??
Verse 8 - What is the transition made here and how would you relate this to verse 7? How is the law fulfilled? What other verses prior in Romans can you find that substantiate the claim that the law is fullfilled through 'this'?
Verse 9 - How can this be?? Explain how loving your neighbor as yourself fulfills these items. Explain it as if you were explaining it to your children - write it down - pray over this. Who are you not 'loving' right now?
Verse 10 - By breaking the law what does this verse say you are doing? What purpose is the law then beside showing us our sin? What does love do?
Read the remainder of the chapter - we will review this Sunday. Have a great rest of the week.
I trust everyone had a great week working on their spiritual disciplines including prayer. I want to thank David and Jim for filling in as we were able to take a last minute trip. I was also able to share with family some of John 3:1-15. It was a great opportunity.
This week will we continue in Romans 13.
Here are the questions for this week:
Verse 1 - Is there a time that you are not subject to the governing authorities? Are you justifying a time based on something biblical or what YOU think is 'right'?
Verse 2 - How do you discern this verse in light of corrupt governments? What judgement will be levied based on this verse? What does your testimony look like in either rebelling or not and what do you think of this verse?
Verse 3 and 4 - How can you be free from fear? Do you know of any examples of others in the bible that lived under tyrannical rule? What does it mean to do what is right? Who is doing the 'commending' when you do things 'right'? What do these verses speak to in regards to God's authority and our need to trust? Can we?
Verse 5 - Therefore starts the verse - therefore - what is the verse based on X therefore Y - what is the X that comes before verse 5 word Therefore - in your words?
Verse 5 - What are the necessary reasons to submit to the authorities?
Verse 6 - This is an example of specifics. What are the responsibilities of the two parties outlined in these verses?
Verse 7 - Based on the responsibility you outlined in verse 7 for yourself - what is your responsibility in verse 7? What are the items you can owe? List out those that you would owe each of these things in order - Taxes, Revenue, Respect - who do you owe these things to - today??
Verse 8 - What is the transition made here and how would you relate this to verse 7? How is the law fulfilled? What other verses prior in Romans can you find that substantiate the claim that the law is fullfilled through 'this'?
Verse 9 - How can this be?? Explain how loving your neighbor as yourself fulfills these items. Explain it as if you were explaining it to your children - write it down - pray over this. Who are you not 'loving' right now?
Verse 10 - By breaking the law what does this verse say you are doing? What purpose is the law then beside showing us our sin? What does love do?
Read the remainder of the chapter - we will review this Sunday. Have a great rest of the week.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Romans 12 List and Notes for Next Sunday - Romans 13
Hello Everyone!
It has been a great time studying with you all over the summer. I look forward to the fall with so many activities and the opportunities those present to live out our faith not just talk about it.
A quick reminder that on September 18 we will move to room 224. This is a 'permanent' switch starting that Sunday. Most likely we will also have a name change that Sunday so please look for my name or just come to the room.
Some of you had asked that I publish the 'list' from Sunday before last on Romans 12. Here is the list:
For Next Sunday, September 4, 2011 we will have a special time of prayer. This will be a time for all of us to reflect on Praises, Thanks, Confession, and Petitions we have for our Lord. Please plan to come ready for a fun time of fellowship and prayer.
Have a great week!
It has been a great time studying with you all over the summer. I look forward to the fall with so many activities and the opportunities those present to live out our faith not just talk about it.
A quick reminder that on September 18 we will move to room 224. This is a 'permanent' switch starting that Sunday. Most likely we will also have a name change that Sunday so please look for my name or just come to the room.
Some of you had asked that I publish the 'list' from Sunday before last on Romans 12. Here is the list:
______ 1 – Body as a sacrifice
______ 1 – Be Holy
______ 2 – Be different than the world
______ 2 – Continually renew your mind
______ 2 – Look/Test for God’s will
______ 3 – Think of your self soberly with the faith God has given you
______ 5 – Be a member of the body and belong to one another
______ 6 to 8 – Prophesy/teach/encourage/give/lead/show mercy – but do it!
______ 9 – Love sincerely
______ 9 – Hate what is evil, cling to what is good
______ 10 – Be devoted to on another
______ 10 – Honor one another above yourselves
______ 11 – Keep your zeal
______ 11 – Serve the Lord
______ 12 – Be Joyful in Hope
______ 12 – Be patient in affliction
______ 12 – Be faithful in prayer
______ 13 – Share with the Lord’s people who are in Need
______ 13 – Practice hospitality
______ 14 – Bless those who persecute you
______ 15 – Rejoice with those who rejoice
______ 15 – Mourn with those who mourn
______ 16 – Live in harmony with one another
______ 16 – Be willing to associate with people of low position
______ 17 – Do what is right in the eyes of everyone
______ 18 - As it depends on you, live at peace with everyone
______ 19 – Leave room for God’s wrath
______ 20 – Feed your enemy
______ 20 – Give your enemy something to drink when He/She is thirsty
______ 21 – Overcome evil with good.
Do Not
______ 3 and 16 – Be conceited
______ 4 – Think you have the same function as someone else
______ 11 – Lack Zeal
______ 14 – Curse those that persecute you
______ 16 – Be proud
______ 17 – Repay evil for evil
______ 19 – Take revenge
______ 21 - Be overcome by evil
Here are the Notes from that class as well:
Romans 12:13-21 – God’s Mercy vs. (AND) Our Sacrifice
August 21, 2011
Generosity vs Outrage Genuine vs. Ostentatious Good vs. Offensive
v13-14 v15-17 v18-21
Column 1 – Generosity vs Outrage (Last week – benefactors)
13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.
Who are the benefactors of your faith in action?
Vs 13 – God’s people – you will not be selfish even in affliction but share with those in need – what practical examples are there?
Where is this to take place? Do you do this in your own house?
Vs 14-21 – The rest of the world’s people AND believers –
Vs 14 – Start with Galatians 6:10 – what does it mean?
What does the Lord say about blessing persecutors? Matthew 5:43-48, Leviticus 19-especially 17 and 18, Luke 6:28
What does it mean not to curse those people?
This is a few years before Christians – in great numbers – would be killed at the hands of Nero – amazing God’s timing in preparing the church for this upcoming nastiness
Column 2 – Genuine vs. Ostentatious
15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.[c] Do not be conceited.
17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.
15 – Easy to help in sorry – difficult to share in joy of success – envy comes in
Phil 4:13
1 Cor 12:26
16 – Have equal regard for one another – 1 Cor 13:4 – No conceit
17 – When does someone present ‘evil’ to us? Practically?
Column 3 – Good vs. Offensive
18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[d] says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”[e]
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
What are we to do and what will God take care of?
18 – What does it mean to live at peace with everyone – why add ‘as far as it depends on you’?
19 – What is revenge – practically – inside the home/outside the home? Leave room for God’s wrath? What does that mean?
20 – Rather/on the contrary we are to do what? From proverbs – what?
21 – How can you not be overcome by evil? How do you determine ‘good’?
Column 4/TITLE – God’s Mercy vs. AND Our Sacrifice
For Next Sunday, September 4, 2011 we will have a special time of prayer. This will be a time for all of us to reflect on Praises, Thanks, Confession, and Petitions we have for our Lord. Please plan to come ready for a fun time of fellowship and prayer.
Have a great week!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Notes for Memorial Day weekend
Hello everyone -
This week we will complete chapter 9 and move into chapter 10. Please don't forget last week when we finished being perplexed on sovereign choice and will and that paradox along with god's purpose in glorifying himself through and to his end and finally the particulars Paul gives us in showing what god specifically has done in history to show his sovereignty and continuing to his plan even through raising up pharaoh. With all that said and in mind - please read the rest of chapter 9 below and be ready to discuss our choice based on all this - we will discuss the 'OBK' obtaining (9:29-32), Believing (9:32-33), knowing (10:1-3)....
See you Sunday!
29 It is just as Isaiah said previously:
“Unless the Lord Almighty
had left us descendants,
we would have become like Sodom,
we would have been like Gomorrah.”[l]
Israel’s Unbelief
30 What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith; 31 but the people of Israel, who pursued the law as the way of righteousness, have not attained their goal. 32 Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone. 33 As it is written:
“See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble
and a rock that makes them fall,
and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.”[m]
This week we will complete chapter 9 and move into chapter 10. Please don't forget last week when we finished being perplexed on sovereign choice and will and that paradox along with god's purpose in glorifying himself through and to his end and finally the particulars Paul gives us in showing what god specifically has done in history to show his sovereignty and continuing to his plan even through raising up pharaoh. With all that said and in mind - please read the rest of chapter 9 below and be ready to discuss our choice based on all this - we will discuss the 'OBK' obtaining (9:29-32), Believing (9:32-33), knowing (10:1-3)....
See you Sunday!
29 It is just as Isaiah said previously:
“Unless the Lord Almighty
had left us descendants,
we would have become like Sodom,
we would have been like Gomorrah.”[l]
Israel’s Unbelief
30 What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith; 31 but the people of Israel, who pursued the law as the way of righteousness, have not attained their goal. 32 Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone. 33 As it is written:
“See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble
and a rock that makes them fall,
and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.”[m]
Monday, May 2, 2011
Notes for Sunday, May 8 - MOTHER'S DAY!
We will be finishing Chapter 8 in Romans this Sunday as well as having some special items for the Moms. We look forward to seeing you all.
Here are some awesome notes that I found from Heartlight's commentary...
Verse 32
He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not also with him freely give us all things?
Verses 33, 34
Who shalt lay anything to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth; who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that was raised from the dead, who is at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.
Verses 35, 36
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or anguish, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Even as it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; We were accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
Verses 38, 39
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers nor height, nor depth nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Here are some awesome notes that I found from Heartlight's commentary...
Verse 31
What then shall we say to these things? If God be for us, who is against us?
What then shall we say to these things? If God be for us, who is against us?
Seeing, as just stated, that God's eternal purpose relative to the redeemed in Christ is absolutely certain of fulfillment, how solid and secure is the state of the person in Christ. "In Christ" is absolute safety, the only mortal concern of the Christian having to do, not with any doubt or uncertainty of final glory, but only with his being "in Christ" and remaining so. Given the integrity of that relationship, salvation for the child of God is a certainty. For the person "in Christ," it is an unqualified fact that God is "for" him, with all that implies. God appears in this verse, not as a detached or disinterested judge, but as a helper, protector, and benefactor. As Paul put it,
For it is God who worketh in you both to will and to work, for his good pleasure (Philippians 2:13).
Verse 32
He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not also with him freely give us all things?
The confidence of the apostle in this verse is founded upon the principle of logic called a fortiori, being a progression from the great to the lesser. The great gift is that of God's only Son; and surely the love that provided such an unspeakable gift could not fail to provide whatever else might be required to accomplish his purpose of redeeming people, the particular things apparently in view here being whatever earthly encouragement and provision might be necessary to the achievement of the Christian's ultimate salvation to the uttermost.
Verses 33, 34
Who shalt lay anything to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth; who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that was raised from the dead, who is at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.
Locke paraphrased these verses thus:
Who shall be the persecutor of those whom God hath chosen? Shall God who justifieth them? Who, as judge, shall condemn them? Christ that died for us, yea rather that is risen again for our justification, and is at the right hand of God making intercession for us? F60
Justifying his paraphrase in a footnote, Locke added:
Reading this with an interrogation makes it needless to add any words to the text to make out the sense; and it is more conformable to the scheme of his argumentation here, as appears by Rom. 8:35, where the interrogation cannot be avoided. It is, as it were, an appeal to them themselves to be the judges whether any of those things he mentions to them (reckoning up these which had the most power to hurt them) could give them just cause for apprehension: "Who shall accuse you? Shall God who justifies you? Who shall condemn you? Christ who died for you? F61
Verses 35, 36
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or anguish, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Even as it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; We were accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
In this and following verses, Paul mentioned the things conceived of as hostile, and hindering to the Christian's life; and most of the things here mentioned should be understood as lying within the ordinary daily experience of the Christians of that age.
The love of Christ ...
refers not to our love for him, but to his love for us.
refers not to our love for him, but to his love for us.
The scripture quoted by Paul here is Psa. 44:22; and his employment of the expression "even as it is written" was his way of saying, "This is just our lot, exactly as the scriptures teach." Like many other lists found in the Pauline writings, this one should be understood as representative rather than exhaustive.
Verses 38, 39
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers nor height, nor depth nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
All of the calamities mentioned here were suffered by Paul himself, as a glance at 2 Cor. 11 will show; and, despite the fact of all things working together for good for Christians, the hardships and sufferings they endure prove that no exemption from life's sorrows has been provided for them. On the contrary, it was doubtless a fact that the Christians of that age suffered far more than other groups of mankind; and, due to the natural discouragement arising from such extraordinary sufferings, there was a constant temptation for the Christians to fall into doubt and discouragement, or grow cold in their love to the Lord, or to acquire deep feelings of guilt arising from a view of their hardships as being caused by their sins. It has ever been the tendency of troubled individuals to become depressed and doubtful, as was the case with John the Baptist when thrown into prison (Matthew 11:2). Paul in this marvelous peroration emphasized the fact that all guilt had been removed through the death of Christ, that condemnation of God's children is impossible. God himself is "for them." What a shout of victory is this passage!
Height ... depth ...
Locke understood these to mean "the height of prosperity" or the "depth of misery."
Locke understood these to mean "the height of prosperity" or the "depth of misery."
Life ...
in this context was interpreted by Lard as meaning the hard life they were called upon to live in the flesh, life with its burdens, toils and persecutions.
in this context was interpreted by Lard as meaning the hard life they were called upon to live in the flesh, life with its burdens, toils and persecutions.
Angels ...
if understood as a reference to good angels are only a conceptual hindrance to the Christian, meaning that even if an angel were to try to hinder them, such would be impossible; but if the word should be understood of Satan's angels (Matthew 25:41), the meaning is the same. Not even Satan's angels may finally hinder the child of God.
if understood as a reference to good angels are only a conceptual hindrance to the Christian, meaning that even if an angel were to try to hinder them, such would be impossible; but if the word should be understood of Satan's angels (Matthew 25:41), the meaning is the same. Not even Satan's angels may finally hinder the child of God.
Whiteside pointed out that the impossibility of apostasy is not what Paul was teaching here. He wrote:
All the things mentioned are things without. Nothing is here said of what corrupting influences may do to the heart. No powers of persecutions can compel one to stop loving God; if he quits, he does it of his own accord. Love cannot be destroyed by force of imperial command, but it may wax cold. Some even depart from their first love (Revelation 2:4). Paul recognized that people depart from the faith, but he was persuaded that no evils coming on us from without could destroy the love of God. F62
Whiteside's point is well taken; but it is God's love for man, not the other way around, that Paul primarily had in view here.
In Christ Jesus our Lord ...
is the final word of this flourishing burst of eloquence; and it brings the mind back to the major proposition underlying all that Paul wrote, which is this, that salvation is "in Christ" alone, and that the totality of the Christian's hope derives from the fact of his having been baptized into Christ (the only scriptural baptism being that of a true believer who is penitent), and from the presumption of his continuance therein (in Christ) "unto death." Paul wrote many things, but the expression "in Christ" or its equivalent is the theme of all that he wrote, being mentioned no less than 169 times; and any "system" that omits this is like a symphony from which both the tonic and dominant chords have been deleted. Paul never left it out! Here is the point where his mind always came to rest.
is the final word of this flourishing burst of eloquence; and it brings the mind back to the major proposition underlying all that Paul wrote, which is this, that salvation is "in Christ" alone, and that the totality of the Christian's hope derives from the fact of his having been baptized into Christ (the only scriptural baptism being that of a true believer who is penitent), and from the presumption of his continuance therein (in Christ) "unto death." Paul wrote many things, but the expression "in Christ" or its equivalent is the theme of all that he wrote, being mentioned no less than 169 times; and any "system" that omits this is like a symphony from which both the tonic and dominant chords have been deleted. Paul never left it out! Here is the point where his mind always came to rest.
One is reluctant to go on from the magnificent teachings of this wonderful chapter, even for the purpose of further studying Paul's epic letter; and, by way of a final salute to the inspiring thoughts of this chapter, the following words of Moule are appended:
Some years ago, we remember reading this close of the eighth chapter, under moving circumstances. On a cloudless January night, late arrived in Rome, we stood in the Coliseum, a party of friends from England. Orion, the giant with the sword, glimmered like a spectre of persecution over the huge precinct; for the full moon, high in the heavens, overpowered the stars. By its light, we read from a little Testament these words written so long ago to be read in that same city - written by the man whose dust now sleeps at Tre Fontane, where the executioner dismissed him to be with Christ; written to men and women, some of whom, in all human likelihood at least, suffered in that very amphitheatre, raised only twenty-two years after Paul wrote Romans, and soon made the scene of countless martyrdoms. ... We read the words of the Epistle, and gave thanks to him who had there triumphed in his saints over life and death, over beasts and men and demons. Then we thought of ourselves, in our circumstances so totally different on the surface, yet carrying the same needs in their depths. Are we too to overcome, in "the things present" of our modern world, and in the face of "the things to come" yet upon our earth? Are we too to be "more than conquerors," winning blessing out of all things, and really living in our generation as the bondmen of Christ and the sons of God? F63
Updates from Last Class
I trust all of you had a great weekend and were able to spend time in the Word of God and in Prayer. The fellowship we enjoy is certainly something that builds our family up and we appreciate all of you.
I encourage each of you to search the prayer requests this week and pray for as many as you can. I had a heavy heart after the prayer time yesterday.
Yesterday we discussed the purpose of God including bringing all people to Him as well as glorification of God. We also had discussion about little Ava and her family. During the discussion of this incredibly and undeniably terrible and BAD situation there was a statement that a relative had said: "God might bring people home that may not know the Lord later". I was moving quickly to the next subject and should have addressed this at that time. I prayed last night and am clear that I must comment on this:
There is NO scriptural basis for God taking someone to be with Him 'early'. God's plan is perfect and His timing is perfect. He does not will someone to be saved against their will nor does He know they won't be saved later and therefore takes them 'early' so that they can be with Him. God clearly shows again and again in scripture that He is NOT a manipulator nor does.
I cannot imagine the pain and torment that go with losing a child. It is very important that we clearly state only what scripture teaches us. It is imperative that we are those that run to Christ at all times but especially when those are hurt around us. When Jesus wept He did so at the undeniable wailing and sorry of those that lost Lazarus. We should and/or must be moved in this way.
I promise that, in the future, we will slow down the exegesis and address any comments in line with what we are studying. I apologize to anyone that was hurt that I did not lead better in this situation.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss further. We love you all.
I encourage each of you to search the prayer requests this week and pray for as many as you can. I had a heavy heart after the prayer time yesterday.
Yesterday we discussed the purpose of God including bringing all people to Him as well as glorification of God. We also had discussion about little Ava and her family. During the discussion of this incredibly and undeniably terrible and BAD situation there was a statement that a relative had said: "God might bring people home that may not know the Lord later". I was moving quickly to the next subject and should have addressed this at that time. I prayed last night and am clear that I must comment on this:
There is NO scriptural basis for God taking someone to be with Him 'early'. God's plan is perfect and His timing is perfect. He does not will someone to be saved against their will nor does He know they won't be saved later and therefore takes them 'early' so that they can be with Him. God clearly shows again and again in scripture that He is NOT a manipulator nor does.
I cannot imagine the pain and torment that go with losing a child. It is very important that we clearly state only what scripture teaches us. It is imperative that we are those that run to Christ at all times but especially when those are hurt around us. When Jesus wept He did so at the undeniable wailing and sorry of those that lost Lazarus. We should and/or must be moved in this way.
I promise that, in the future, we will slow down the exegesis and address any comments in line with what we are studying. I apologize to anyone that was hurt that I did not lead better in this situation.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss further. We love you all.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Easter Weekend Notes - Into the light?
We will not have Sunday School this Sunday. I will miss being in class with all of you and pray for a safe and happy Easter to you all.
Three quick things for this weekend:
The night before He was betrayed He washed the disciples' feet. Peter declared, "You shall never wash my feet." Jesus said, "If I do not wash you, you have no part in me."
He will not serve us against our will. You also have no part in Him if you don't allow Him to wash you clean.
Second - Do we dare look upon the Cross as it was and is? John Donne in 1613 on Good Friday wrote about looking upon the Cross:
"Yet dare I almost be glad I do not see
That spectacle, of too much weight for me.
Who sees God's face, that is self life, must die,
What a death were it then to see God die?
It made his own lieutenant nature, shrink,
It made his footstool crack, and the sun wink.
Could I behold those hands which span the poles,
And tune all spheres at once, pierced with those holes?
Could I behold that endless height which is
Zenith to us, and our Antipodes,
Humbled below us? Or that blood which is
The seat of all our souls, if not His,
Make dirt of dust, or that flesh which was worn
By God, for his apparel, ragged and torn?
If on these things I durst not look, durst I
Upon his miserable mother cast my eye,
Who was God's partner here, and furnished thus
Half of that sacrifice that ransomed us?"
Third - Do we want to know ourselves in Christ? Do we want to come into the light and be seen? The Psalmist writes:
O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up,
you discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down,
and are acquainted with all my ways.
Easter is a glorious day for those in the light, willing to see Ephesians 4:25 as welcome to their soul. For the rest, Easter is hiding in the shadows, not wanting to be seen or found.
When will you want Christ to see you? Do you want to be found?
John 10:10
Have a great week.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Notes for April 17, 2011
Hello everyone! I trust all of you had a great week. This week we will continue in Romans 8 where we will explore Paul's continued exhortation of the Romans to live with the Spirit's leading.
Please read Romans 8
Read 8:18 - Based on last week, what sufferings are in our day to day lives that he is talking about here? What does he mean by the glory that will be revealed in us? Why is he comparing these two things?
Read 8:19 - What does this verse mean and what does it mean now vs. when Christ returns? Tactically, what does this verse tell us about our day to day activities?
Read 8:20 to 8:21 - What is he talking about when it comes to creation being frustrated? Whose will subjected the earth to this frustration? When did that happen? After we finish Romans I plan to go into Genesis - can you find in Genesis - the verses - where the world became 'frustrated'?
Read 8:22 - How do we know that this is true? What do you see around you that the Earth and all of creation is in pain? Be specific and personalize this. How would you explain this to your kids?
Read 8:23 - Is this something you experience? Do you groan as someone torn apart by the body that still has sin stains vs your spirit? Be specific - has this happened in the last day, hour, minute?
Read 8:24 to 8:25 - Explain these verses in your own words - do it outloud if you need to - what is this saying about hope? What hope? Do you hope for something you already have? What is he talking about (refer to 8:23 if necessary)? What are you waiting on in vs 25? What was he telling the Romans they should do? Should we be anxious for the coming of Christ?
Read 8:26 - This is a wonderful verse - Can you think of a time that you didn't know what to pray? What does this verse do in that time? What do you pray when you know this verse but don't know what to pray?
Read 8:27 - We know from previous verses that the Spirit does not act alone but only on the Father's will. What does it mean to search your heart? Why is this important? What is in your heart? Don't keep going until you answer this.. What do you long for in your heart? Love, importance, what? If God searches your heart what will He find? Write that down for Sunday as we will be studying that in depth. No, you won't have to share. What is the Spirit doing in 27? What does he intercede for? Is it everything we want? How would you explain this 'in accordance with the will of God" to someone else?
Read 8:28 - In light of vs 27 what is verse 28 all about? What does God work for? What is 'called according to His purpose'? Answer this before Sunday - would be great if you could bring it written down:
How are you called to His purpose? What is it? Be specific as you can.
Do you love God? How does He or anyone else know that? Be specific.
How have you seen God working for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose? Be specific?
Read 8:29 - In light of vs 28 - This is a sticky verse for some. Read this through thoroughly - God forknew (if you are truly saved) that you would be saved, God destined that these people would be what? What does it mean to be conformed to the image? If you are conformed what does that mean regarding firstborn?
If you are destined by sovereign God then what does verse 30 say? Define the words:
See you Sunday!!
Please read Romans 8
Read 8:18 - Based on last week, what sufferings are in our day to day lives that he is talking about here? What does he mean by the glory that will be revealed in us? Why is he comparing these two things?
Read 8:19 - What does this verse mean and what does it mean now vs. when Christ returns? Tactically, what does this verse tell us about our day to day activities?
Read 8:20 to 8:21 - What is he talking about when it comes to creation being frustrated? Whose will subjected the earth to this frustration? When did that happen? After we finish Romans I plan to go into Genesis - can you find in Genesis - the verses - where the world became 'frustrated'?
Read 8:22 - How do we know that this is true? What do you see around you that the Earth and all of creation is in pain? Be specific and personalize this. How would you explain this to your kids?
Read 8:23 - Is this something you experience? Do you groan as someone torn apart by the body that still has sin stains vs your spirit? Be specific - has this happened in the last day, hour, minute?
Read 8:24 to 8:25 - Explain these verses in your own words - do it outloud if you need to - what is this saying about hope? What hope? Do you hope for something you already have? What is he talking about (refer to 8:23 if necessary)? What are you waiting on in vs 25? What was he telling the Romans they should do? Should we be anxious for the coming of Christ?
Read 8:26 - This is a wonderful verse - Can you think of a time that you didn't know what to pray? What does this verse do in that time? What do you pray when you know this verse but don't know what to pray?
Read 8:27 - We know from previous verses that the Spirit does not act alone but only on the Father's will. What does it mean to search your heart? Why is this important? What is in your heart? Don't keep going until you answer this.. What do you long for in your heart? Love, importance, what? If God searches your heart what will He find? Write that down for Sunday as we will be studying that in depth. No, you won't have to share. What is the Spirit doing in 27? What does he intercede for? Is it everything we want? How would you explain this 'in accordance with the will of God" to someone else?
Read 8:28 - In light of vs 27 what is verse 28 all about? What does God work for? What is 'called according to His purpose'? Answer this before Sunday - would be great if you could bring it written down:
How are you called to His purpose? What is it? Be specific as you can.
Do you love God? How does He or anyone else know that? Be specific.
How have you seen God working for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose? Be specific?
Read 8:29 - In light of vs 28 - This is a sticky verse for some. Read this through thoroughly - God forknew (if you are truly saved) that you would be saved, God destined that these people would be what? What does it mean to be conformed to the image? If you are conformed what does that mean regarding firstborn?
If you are destined by sovereign God then what does verse 30 say? Define the words:
See you Sunday!!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Notes for March 20, 2011
Hello everyone!
Thanks to all that were able to attend today. It was a fun morning. Please pray for those items on the prayer list as well as for those traveling this week. I trust all of you are looking at your influence of others including your spouse, friends, co-workers, and children this week. Do you point to holiness or to wickedness in your attitude and actions? As we ended Chapter 6 this last week it is imperative that we understand Paul's admonishment to make the choice to listen to the Holy Spirit and turn away from sin. With the Holy Spirit's help we can make that choice!
Please don't forget the 'favorite verses' we placed on the board on Sunday. This have meaning and significance as God's word lives in you. What other verses make a difference? Do you write them on the walls of your house and tell them to your family and others? When?
Ok - notes/questions for next week:
Please read Romans 7 completely.
1) What are the key tenants of this chapter?
2) Verse 1 - Do you have to know a law for it to be in effect? How about do you need to know a law to be under it? How does that affect your understanding of this verse?
3) Verse 2 - Does this law still apply? What law binds things? Do all laws bind things?
4) Verse 3 - What behaviors are normal and expected if bound to the law for the woman? How is she released from this binding law? Are the actions of sexual relations between her and the other man or her and the first husband any different? Why is she considered differently if not following the law? She and her actions are not different... What is different? This is KEY to this section.
5) Verse 4 - Taking a turn to us and using the example Paul we see that Christ and we were bound together when we accept the Holy Spirit - in death to sin to our old BINDING with sin and now bound to Him. Are we ever NOT bound to something? Can we be completely autonomous? Who would we have to be to be completely autonomous?
6) Verse 4 again - What is is that we will do if we are bound to Him? What is bearing fruit? What has happened this week that shows you are bearing fruit? Be honest
7) Verse 5 - As we discussed last Sunday - do we point to death or to life, to wickedness or holiness - You always bear fruit - the question is what kind. What fruit have you borne in your life for death? Give specific examples.
8) Verse 6 - BUT NOW - as Paul transitions from fruit for death - Do you consider that you died to what bound you? If so, the law doesn't have to bind the way you serve - you serve and follow the Holy Spirit - your on-going companion and counselor - when is the last time you asked for direction or help from the Holy Spirit? What was it in relation to?
9) Verse 6 again - What is the difference between having a relationship and being under the law?
10) Verse 7 - Interesting that Paul chooses the heart issue of coveting here - what does he say about the Law revealing sin? Which of the commandments have you broken? Write them down. (Exodus 20:17; Deut. 5:21)
11) Verse 8 to 12 - We will focus on these this Sunday - please read through these carefully and jot down notes on what these mean...
See you next Sunday!
Thanks to all that were able to attend today. It was a fun morning. Please pray for those items on the prayer list as well as for those traveling this week. I trust all of you are looking at your influence of others including your spouse, friends, co-workers, and children this week. Do you point to holiness or to wickedness in your attitude and actions? As we ended Chapter 6 this last week it is imperative that we understand Paul's admonishment to make the choice to listen to the Holy Spirit and turn away from sin. With the Holy Spirit's help we can make that choice!
Please don't forget the 'favorite verses' we placed on the board on Sunday. This have meaning and significance as God's word lives in you. What other verses make a difference? Do you write them on the walls of your house and tell them to your family and others? When?
Ok - notes/questions for next week:
Please read Romans 7 completely.
1) What are the key tenants of this chapter?
2) Verse 1 - Do you have to know a law for it to be in effect? How about do you need to know a law to be under it? How does that affect your understanding of this verse?
3) Verse 2 - Does this law still apply? What law binds things? Do all laws bind things?
4) Verse 3 - What behaviors are normal and expected if bound to the law for the woman? How is she released from this binding law? Are the actions of sexual relations between her and the other man or her and the first husband any different? Why is she considered differently if not following the law? She and her actions are not different... What is different? This is KEY to this section.
5) Verse 4 - Taking a turn to us and using the example Paul we see that Christ and we were bound together when we accept the Holy Spirit - in death to sin to our old BINDING with sin and now bound to Him. Are we ever NOT bound to something? Can we be completely autonomous? Who would we have to be to be completely autonomous?
6) Verse 4 again - What is is that we will do if we are bound to Him? What is bearing fruit? What has happened this week that shows you are bearing fruit? Be honest
7) Verse 5 - As we discussed last Sunday - do we point to death or to life, to wickedness or holiness - You always bear fruit - the question is what kind. What fruit have you borne in your life for death? Give specific examples.
8) Verse 6 - BUT NOW - as Paul transitions from fruit for death - Do you consider that you died to what bound you? If so, the law doesn't have to bind the way you serve - you serve and follow the Holy Spirit - your on-going companion and counselor - when is the last time you asked for direction or help from the Holy Spirit? What was it in relation to?
9) Verse 6 again - What is the difference between having a relationship and being under the law?
10) Verse 7 - Interesting that Paul chooses the heart issue of coveting here - what does he say about the Law revealing sin? Which of the commandments have you broken? Write them down. (Exodus 20:17; Deut. 5:21)
11) Verse 8 to 12 - We will focus on these this Sunday - please read through these carefully and jot down notes on what these mean...
See you next Sunday!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Questions for Class - March 6, 2011
Hello Everyone! It was great to see so many of you at the Potluck on Sunday. Thanks again to Ami Swisher who put this together. We look forward to several more socials in the coming months.
Please review chapter 5 completely before diving in to chapter 6. Without a full review of the centrality of our faith and that it is a heart issue only (as we covered on the 27th) we will be absolutely without stance nor ability to move into chapter 6.
Please read Romans 6 verses 1 to 14. We will cover (most likely) only verses 1 to 9 but having the rest of these verses would be good.
Verse 1 - What is Paul talking about? What did we say is sin last week in class? What could some take this verse to mean? Have you ever known of a Christian that just shrugs their shoulder at sin and says 'thanks to God'?
Verse 2 - Paul is emphatic here. What does it mean to die to sin? What does it mean to live in something? Is Paul saying that it is all or nothing? Can you make the statement that you have died to sin? Does sin have life or do you have life? What is actually alive? Sometimes we make sin as alive and us as in it rather than we are alive and sin is around us. Is sin in you if the HOLY Spirit is in you? Can it be (remember 1 John 1:5 from last week)? Can they be together?
Verse 3 - Do you KNOW this? What does it mean to be baptized into His death? How would you explain this to your child? Write it down (you will need it for later in Romans).
Verse 4 - You show others that you have been saved by Christ through baptism much the same as Christ showed He had conquered the grave. That He had and that He was God did not NEED to be shown but was Glory to God that He showed others. We should want to show others our new life - free from sin. Do you want people to look at your life? Be truthful.
Verse 5 - Are you united with Christ? How would someone know this?
Verse 6 - Write down 3 main things that were part of your old self that are not part of you now (after being saved). Why was it easy not to be or do these things?
Verse 7 - Why would this be a hard verse? Are you set free? Before you were saved you were condemned by the law and your sin. Sin was something that you WERE. Do you clearly know that you are FREE from sin now? If sin is out and the HOLY Spirit is in we then are choosing to sin.
Verse 8 - Is this life that is discussed only life in Heaven?
Verse 9 - How do we KNOW that Christ was raised from the dead? How can you tell your children or friends that Christ really died? How do you know that He really came back to life. Step back for just a moment and think of someone you know that has recently died. What if you saw them again - what would that be like?
Verse 10 - Do you know of any other verses on complete atonement? If so, what are they? Be ready to share in class. Why was Christ's dying complete and taking away sin for all? If you were to sum up verse 9 and 10 you would have the entire salvation story for an unbeliever. Human, died, raised, for all. Why is this so difficult to tell others if we really believe it?
Verse 11 - How do you count yourself (today, as you are reading this) dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus? If you have passed away to sin and live it God what would your focus be on "that thing" you have in your brain right now?
Verse 12 - What does this mean? Who reigns? What does it mean to 'reign'?
Verse 13 - What would be parts of yourself rather than the whole? What are examples of someone that would sin in one area and now in another? Where do you sin? What does it mean to 'offer yourself'? Who is the master if you offer yourself (to either sin or God)? In either case note that you are NOT the master. If you offer yourself to God you MUST TRUST HIM. Do we trust that sin will get us where we want to go and what we need? Answer this honestly. How would you explain this to your kids or friends?
Verse 14 - Are YOU saved? Do you know that you know that you know???? For real? If not and you want to accept His gift please please please pray to accept Christ RIGHT NOW. What is stopping you? If you have told everyone you were saved but don't know you are what possibly would be bad by stopping now, finding a place, and asking Christ into your heart. Knowing you are a sinner, you cannot come to Him under your power, that you need Him, and that you want Him not just as Savior but as Lord of you life, that you want to turn from sin and follow Him. You are on your way to heaven! Please let us know if the angels are singing for the fact of God saving YOU.
Please review chapter 5 completely before diving in to chapter 6. Without a full review of the centrality of our faith and that it is a heart issue only (as we covered on the 27th) we will be absolutely without stance nor ability to move into chapter 6.
Please read Romans 6 verses 1 to 14. We will cover (most likely) only verses 1 to 9 but having the rest of these verses would be good.
Verse 1 - What is Paul talking about? What did we say is sin last week in class? What could some take this verse to mean? Have you ever known of a Christian that just shrugs their shoulder at sin and says 'thanks to God'?
Verse 2 - Paul is emphatic here. What does it mean to die to sin? What does it mean to live in something? Is Paul saying that it is all or nothing? Can you make the statement that you have died to sin? Does sin have life or do you have life? What is actually alive? Sometimes we make sin as alive and us as in it rather than we are alive and sin is around us. Is sin in you if the HOLY Spirit is in you? Can it be (remember 1 John 1:5 from last week)? Can they be together?
Verse 3 - Do you KNOW this? What does it mean to be baptized into His death? How would you explain this to your child? Write it down (you will need it for later in Romans).
Verse 4 - You show others that you have been saved by Christ through baptism much the same as Christ showed He had conquered the grave. That He had and that He was God did not NEED to be shown but was Glory to God that He showed others. We should want to show others our new life - free from sin. Do you want people to look at your life? Be truthful.
Verse 5 - Are you united with Christ? How would someone know this?
Verse 6 - Write down 3 main things that were part of your old self that are not part of you now (after being saved). Why was it easy not to be or do these things?
Verse 7 - Why would this be a hard verse? Are you set free? Before you were saved you were condemned by the law and your sin. Sin was something that you WERE. Do you clearly know that you are FREE from sin now? If sin is out and the HOLY Spirit is in we then are choosing to sin.
Verse 8 - Is this life that is discussed only life in Heaven?
Verse 9 - How do we KNOW that Christ was raised from the dead? How can you tell your children or friends that Christ really died? How do you know that He really came back to life. Step back for just a moment and think of someone you know that has recently died. What if you saw them again - what would that be like?
Verse 10 - Do you know of any other verses on complete atonement? If so, what are they? Be ready to share in class. Why was Christ's dying complete and taking away sin for all? If you were to sum up verse 9 and 10 you would have the entire salvation story for an unbeliever. Human, died, raised, for all. Why is this so difficult to tell others if we really believe it?
Verse 11 - How do you count yourself (today, as you are reading this) dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus? If you have passed away to sin and live it God what would your focus be on "that thing" you have in your brain right now?
Verse 12 - What does this mean? Who reigns? What does it mean to 'reign'?
Verse 13 - What would be parts of yourself rather than the whole? What are examples of someone that would sin in one area and now in another? Where do you sin? What does it mean to 'offer yourself'? Who is the master if you offer yourself (to either sin or God)? In either case note that you are NOT the master. If you offer yourself to God you MUST TRUST HIM. Do we trust that sin will get us where we want to go and what we need? Answer this honestly. How would you explain this to your kids or friends?
Verse 14 - Are YOU saved? Do you know that you know that you know???? For real? If not and you want to accept His gift please please please pray to accept Christ RIGHT NOW. What is stopping you? If you have told everyone you were saved but don't know you are what possibly would be bad by stopping now, finding a place, and asking Christ into your heart. Knowing you are a sinner, you cannot come to Him under your power, that you need Him, and that you want Him not just as Savior but as Lord of you life, that you want to turn from sin and follow Him. You are on your way to heaven! Please let us know if the angels are singing for the fact of God saving YOU.
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